Catalyst - Maverick

Catalyst is a half yearly initiative from Maverick

intended for local NGOs and communities interested in enhancing their capacity in communications. It is conducted in a workshop or sharing session format for a maximum of 40 people per volume.

During the pandemic, Catalyst goes virtual. We brought together NGO communication practitioners to help them improve their communication effectiveness amid the new normal.

Catalyst Volume 6 Confident Inside Out: How Communications Can Energize Volunteers


2020, June
Catalyst Sharing Session

NGOs from various backgrounds appointed their communication officers to join Catalyst’s first online sharing session “Tetap Eksis dan Berkomunikasi saat Kerja #DiRumahAja”. The NGOs shared their experience and challenges to sustain their cause during the COVID-19 pandemic. The NGOs also share their tips for conducting internal and external communications effectively from home. See more

2019, October
Befriending the Media

Amnesty International Indonesia Campaign Manager Puri Kencana Putri shared her experience in maintaining her relations with the media, as well as her tips on attracting media attention to her organization’s campaign. On the other side, RTV Editor-in-Chief Yulia Supadmo spilled how the Indonesian media newsroom works in picking up press releases, attending press conferences, and writing proactive articles

2019, April

Catalyst invited Permata Bank VP of CSR Agusnadi to share his secret of assessing NGOs’ fundraising proposals. Center of Orangutan Protection Founder Hardi Baktiantoro also participated in the workshop to share his organization’s fundraising and partnership best practices. See more

Catalyst Journey

Non-Government Organization reached
years supporting agents of change


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