I was immediately attracted to join the Maverick Academy program the moment a friend told me about it. The 4-month program is a bit like an internship but more intense and focused as you get trained on data analytics and get to contribute like a full-time staff. I wanted to explore what to me was the wondrous world of a data analyst

I applied for and was selected for the program after a rigorous round of interviews. I was nervous when I started on my first day at the program as it was my first offline work experience but felt more relaxed after meeting fellow MavAcademy participants and the warm welcome given to us by the rest of the Maverick staff.

As I started on this program I realised that even though I have a communications background there is a lot more to communications than what I have learned in class, especially when it comes to data analytics.

During the four months of this program, I learned not only the ins and outs of data analytics but also experienced working as a professional who had a part to play to enable the company to provide valuable insights and solutions to clients.   I benefited e from training sessions and also from talking with my analytics colleagues who were more than happy to answer my questions about the role data analytics plays in clients’ communication strategies.

I also learned lots from the accounts that I was assigned to such as Bintang Crystal, Heineken, Dyson, and AIA. I helped craft reports and provided insights and recommendations based on data. The supportive analytics team seniors such as Juan, Adri, Ilham, and Andree helped me to overcome most challenges. I found that the most exciting part of the job was during meetings with consultants where I can give insights or ideas for a client campaign based on the data that I have analyzed.

Apart from the intense work and learning process, Maverick was also a place to have fun as they have many staff activities.  One of my favorites is MavCinema when the company booked out an entire cinema studio and treated all employees to watch Top Gun: Maverick. At the event, I met and bonded with other Maverick co-workers from other divisions outside analytics and completed the whole Maverick experience package.

Overall, the program gave me a good insight and knowledge on the role of data analysts in Maverick. I believe the program has equipped me well for my future career. I expect to use all the knowledge and experience I gained from this program in my future career in the communications industry.

There’s still a lot for me to learn about data analytics, but the experience I gained in this program was truly one of the best opportunities in my life and if I can go back in time I would not change any of it one bit. 

Written by David Marcello