The Making of an Analyst
The first time I heard about the Maverick x UNPAD Fellowship Program was from my lecturer. She asked me if I’d be interested to participate as a candidate. I had very little idea what it was about but as...
How to Make TikTok Tick for Marketers
Some TikTok videos become overnight sensations, some continue to sensate for months. Still, others never take off. Whatever the case, TikTok videos flood all our social media platforms. TikTok has grown exponentially over the past few years. Within the...
National Press Day, reflection for a sustainable media industry
Every ninth of February is celebrated in Indonesia as National Press Day. It marks the day the first Indonesian journalist association, Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI), was established in Surakarta, Central Java, in 1946, the year after the country proclaimed...
2021: Ups, Downs, & Forwards
“Never stop learning”, that was the advice my father gave me on my first day in Maverick. It was not always be on time or be a team player. It was a reminder to be curious, absorb knowledge, and...