Social Media Interaction: Technology Changes, Human Nature Doesn’t
For many friends of mine from a certain non-digital native vintage, the social platforms available can seem bewildering. Yet social media is here to stay and until we older folks expire our stay, we have to come to grips...
Ushering in a new era for PR measurement in Indonesia
Written by Jessica Noviena, an Analyst in the Monitoring and Analytics Department. For the longest time, the PR industry has relied on PR value as a metric of success but experts are now arguing that many of the evaluation...
A Glimpse into My Three-Year Journey at Maverick: The Realization that Disability is not a Barrier
Written by Clarina Az Zahra Noor, Media Analyst in the Monitoring and Analytics Department If you saw me sitting on my desk, not far from the iconic red-telephone-box look-alike toilet doors on the third floor, or during the numerous ZOOM...
Pandemic Provides Momentum for the Print Media to Rise Again
For the print media, digital subscription appears to be its main solution in the future. Changes in the way people choose their sources of information in the digital era have also changed their lifestyles, the way they consume news....
Another Two Indonesian Newspapers Bite the Dust
This month saw the demise of two major newspapers in Indonesia. The first was Indo Pos, the newspaper that the Jawa Pos Group started in 2003 to serve the Greater Jakarta, Banten and West Java area. Then came the...
How the Pandemic Affects Indonesia’s Media Landscape Worse Than the Digital Disruption
Jakarta, 15 January 2021 – The ongoing pandemic is now past its 35thweek, a prolonged calamity that the world was never been prepared to face. It did not only force changes in our daily activities but it has also...
Enlisting KOLs To Your Cause
It may be counterintuitive but the Internet tends to narrow rather than widen our sources of information. People now seldom go surfing for information and are unlikely to diligently go through a news portal as the older generation would...
Dahlan Iskan, Never a Quitter
Amidst the ongoing digital disruption and the pandemic, the media has been in a continuous decline. The media, especially the print media, is experiencing tremendous pressures. But Dahlan Iskan (DI) has a different belief. The founder of the Jawa Pos...
Journalist Fellowship Extended to More Journalists as Pandemic Bites Deeper in Indonesia
Jakarta, 11 November 2020 – Strategic communications consultancy Maverick and the Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) today announced an expansion of their Journalist Fellowship program, even as media houses impose more layoffs or reduced pay and working hours as the...
Traditional marketing is dead. Here’s what you need to do
Social norms and how people inform themselves have changed, killing off traditional marketing as we know it. The pandemic has accelerated this trend. Before, all brands had to do was to drive shareholder value and they’d be socially acceptable....