The Media Group is currently in the process of integrating its three platforms — online, print and television — to boost the efficiency and effectiveness of its overall performance.

“Our affiliation with Metro TV and Media Indonesia is a matter of convergence. We are currently in a transition phase in our integration. This is a new development for us in the media,” CEO Kania Sutisnawinata said during a meeting with Maverick Indonesia.
So far, reporters under the Media group were producing their content for their respective platform but under the integrated scheme that involves Media Indonesia, Metro TV and, reporters are filing their report to all platforms within the group.
“So, we will no longer differentiate between reporters for the online media, television, and print media. Our reporters are already multi-skilled, therefore they will be able to produce for all platforms,” she said.
She said that the move to integrate the three platforms is hoped to boost the group’s news reporting speed, especially for its online and television media. But besides speed, also lays a heavy emphasis on maintaining the accuracy of its news report. currently is working with 20 online media from various regions across Indonesia including media such as Lampung Post (Lampung), (South Sulawesi), (East Java), (West Java), (and Islamic portal), dan (an automotive portal).
Within this network, the national news report of can also be used by the online media in the region and vice versa, can use regional news reports produced by the regional online media.
“We, especially which is just three years old, welcome this convergence. Even though we are young but we have enough experience and have the extraordinary support from our extended family,” Kania said.
Since its inception, with its tagline “To give Meaning,” is aiming at being able to help to provide such meaning to the young generations. Kania said that the readers of ranged between 17 and 44 years in age and therefore its news content was presented in a manner that would interest and be easily understood by the young generation, including with the use of graphics, photographs, and videos.
One of’s best channels is ‘Cek Fakta (Fact Check)’ that aims at clarifying whether an information circulating in the society was a hoax or not. Head of News Production, Indra Maulana said that was one among 25 media which are committed to combat hoax news.
The digital era was marked by an information disruption with many information circulating in the society could be irresponsible, Indra said. As a media that has already gained the trust of the public, carries the burden of responsibility to straighten up any hoax through its “Cek Fakta” channel.
The pandemic has brought changes in the work patterns of which now relies as much as possible on technology. Almost 75 percent of employees of, have been working from home in this time of pandemic. But reporters who still need to cover their news on site, could still do so, Kania added.
The management of deems that the work from home pattern that has been used for almost one year now, turning out to be very effective, including in terms of work productivity. (*)