
Maverick Indonesia

Paying for Support on Social Media

We often talk about how brutal haters can be on the internet, but rarely do we touch on ways public figures or anyone deal with them. A recent phenomenon, however, shows that money can sometimes effectively turn haters into...

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The Correct Path to File Complaints on Media Reports

It is really not surprising that just days after the new Penal Code was passed at the parliament, the Press Council immediately threatened to challenge it at the Constitutional Court citing threats to democracy, including to press freedom and...

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Radio VS Podcast: Voice in an Era of Disruption

In 1981 a popular song by the Buggles proclaimed that Video killed the Radio Star. The premise was that the new technology of video would supplant radio. The report of radio’sdeath was, however, premature. It continued to thrive worldwide...

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Ironi Praktik Regulasi PSE Kominfo Terhadap Industri Gaming Indonesia

Ironis. Kata yang tepat untuk menggambarkan tindakan pemblokiran yang dilakukan oleh Kemenkominfo terhadap platform gaming seperti Steam, Origin dan Epic Games.  Kemenkominfo telah merancang regulasi tentang penyelenggara sistem elektronik (PSE) lingkup privat sejak 2 tahun yang lalu melalui Peraturan...

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Senjakala Media Online Telah Tiba?

Seorang pengamat media sosial populer Indonesia bulan lalu menyebut di Twitter bahwa salah satu media online terbesar di Indonesia baru saja kehilangan satu juta pembaca dalam sebulan, dan jumlahnya terus berlanjut. Sulit untuk membuktikan keakuratan pendapat tersebut apalagi dengan...

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Are Online Media Well Past Their Heyday?

A popular Indonesian social media observer recently posted on Twitter that one of Indonesia’s largest online media houses had lost one million readers within a month and the hemorrhage was continuing. There is little way to know if this...

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Felicia Nugroho, Orang Indonesia Pertama Pimpin AMEC Chapter Asia Pasifik

PRINDONESIA.CO, JAKARTA – “Felicia Nugroho, Direktur Analytics & Insights konsultan komunikasi strategis Maverick Indonesia, resmi ditunjuk sebagai Co-Chair AMEC APAC Chapter. Felicia bersama dengan Deb Camden, Founder The Communication Dividend Australia akan bekerja sama untuk periode 2022 – 2024.”...

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Analytics Bootcamp: Expectations vs Reality

After almost 4 years in school, graduation was finally around the corner and I was more than ready to put my skills to the test. I wasn’t entirely sure what job I wanted, all I knew was that I...

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Becoming a Media Detective for Four Months, A MavAcademy Experience as Data Analyst Intern

As a hardcore fan of Aoyama Gosho’s Detective Conan manga series, it was inevitable that I would be drawn to a field that would enable me to be a detective of sorts, in this instance of data. In April...

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MavAcademy : A Glimpse Into The Wondrous World of Analytics

I was immediately attracted to join the Maverick Academy program the moment a friend told me about it. The 4-month program is a bit like an internship but more intense and focused as you get trained on data analytics...

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