
Maverick Indonesia

How to Make TikTok Tick for Marketers

Some TikTok videos become overnight sensations, some continue to sensate for months. Still, others never take off. Whatever the case, TikTok videos flood all our social media platforms. TikTok has grown exponentially over the past few years. Within the...

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National Press Day, reflection for a sustainable media industry

Every ninth of February is celebrated in Indonesia as National Press Day. It marks the day the first Indonesian journalist association, Persatuan Wartawan Indonesia (PWI), was established in Surakarta, Central Java, in 1946, the year after the country proclaimed...

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AJI dan Maverick Kolaborasi Bantu Kalangan Jurnalis Terdampak Covid-19

MEDIAINDONESIA.COM, Jakarta – PERTENGAHAN tahun 2021, Indonesia dihadapkan pada tingginya kasus positif covid-19 akibat varian delta. Masyarakat yang terpapar juga berasal dari berbagai kalangan, termasuk para jurnalis yang disebabkan tuntutan profesi. Jurnalis terutama yang meliput berbagai isu, diharuskan masih...

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2021: Ups, Downs, & Forwards

“Never stop learning”, that was the advice my father gave me on my first day in Maverick. It was not always be on time or be a team player. It was a reminder to be curious, absorb knowledge, and...

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Podcast: Trendy, Edgy, but Short of Supporting Facilities

Podcast is an abbreviation of iPod and Broadcast, an audio recording that can be listened to through the internet. Since being introduced to the public in the early 2000s, podcasts have grown and developed into new media. In Indonesia...

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Meraih Pundi-pundi Rupiah dari Karya Lexy Rambadeta

Menjadi jurnalis lepas dengan memanfaatkan kanal YouTube merupakan hal yang menjanjikan. YouTube menawarkan kebebasan berkarya termasuk pendapatan yang cukup besar. Bahkan tak sedikit pundi-pundi yang didapatkan setiap bulannya bila berhasil menarik penonton dari kanal ini. Setidaknya hal tersebut yang...

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Forging True Good Relations, Without a Catch

It is almost the end of the year and most brands are busy preparing gifts or hampers for their stakeholders. Sending hampers was once a simple gesture to maintain relationships or to appreciate other people’s hard work throughout the...

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My First Dive into a Strategic Communications Consultancy

It was early October when I first set foot (virtually) on Maverick soil, marking the start of my two-month-long work experience. I was both excited and daunted by the opportunity; excited to venture into an activity that I’ve never...

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Mental Health, an Often Underestimated Issue

Every tenth of October is celebrated as World Mental Health Day, to help remind the world about the importance of mental health. This has become even more relevant considering the significant rise in the number of mental health cases...

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Maverick & AJI Lanjutkan Program Perawatan Pulih Jiwa untuk Kesehatan Mental Jurnalis

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Maverick Indonesia bersama Aliansi Jurnalis Independen (AJI) Indonesia kembali menginisiasi program untuk jurnalis yang terdampak pandemi Covid-19. Program ini berfokus pada bantuan bagi kesehatan mental jurnalis yang harus dijaga dan dipulihkan. Ketua AJI Indonesia Sasmito Madrim bilang beban...

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